The Trials and Tribulations of a Weight Loss Journey

Well hey! How have you been? It has been way too long, probably why I gained 30 pounds back. This post is all about brutal honesty, because I need the hard truth right now. I have been on this journey for let's say over 5 years now. I did weight watchers, went to weekly meetings, hit my goals, and ended up as a lifetime member even losing 15 pounds under my goal. I was on top of the world. I was feeling myself. Then this thing called life happened. I transferred colleges, had less time to meal prep, all while working full time. I had like no down time to stay active, plan my days out. This was when it started spiraling down. I ended up graduating 15 pounds heavier then when I started at Temple. I thought it was the Freshman 15 not the Senior 15. But, I was still happy, and I still looked good. Then the adult life started- you know how all of us millennials complain about being adults? Well I was actually excited to prove myself in the adult world. Upon graduation I had two amazin...