Losing Weight Spotlight: Paul's Story

Hi All, Hope everyone is kicking ass on their weight loss journey. Well, I have something SUPER special for you. My first male feature!!! So I have been following Paul on Instagram for quite some time now, and he has really stuck out to me. His perseverance is incredible and I get so excited to see how much he has transformed. I am super happy to present Paul's story: Hello my Name is Paul Fee. Before I go and tell you about my weight loss journey let me first tell you about myself. Life has never been easy for me and it all started right out of the womb. I was born with hydrocephalus which means that I had excess water on my brain. This was a result from my spinal meningitis which I was also born with. So from the beginning I have had to learn to be a fighter. As a result of the hydrocephalus my brain had to manually rewire itself and thus a learning disability of ADHD formed. Through elementary school, I always had to fight in order to stay on pace with the other student...