Halle's Story

Hi Everyone!!! We are back with my FAVORITE segment! Weight loss story shout outs! And who better to kick it off then the super inspiring, Halle! She is a gorgeous girl, who has continued to persevere even when times get tough, I am so excited to share her story with you! I wish I could say that this is the first time in my life that I have been on a “diet,” but unfortunately, that isn’t the case. Call it genetics, lifestyle, nature or nurture, but I’ve always been a little curvier than most. As an athlete growing up and competitively through high school, most of my teen years were spent eating what I wanted, but exercising enough to maintain what I saw as a reasonable, athletic figure. Standing at a little over 5’9”, I carried it well. Enter: college, a newfound love for the bar hopping scene, dining halls with way too many choices, and little physical activity combined with an even sma...