Adjusting to Jealousy

We all have people in our lives that are really important to us, but they might not be on the journey with us.  I have been dating my boyfriend for 2 years and sometimes we can conflict.  He is 110% supportive of my journey, but sometimes it can be hard to watch him eat a billion things because he has the metabolism of a 12 year old boy.  I get jealous of his food, while I am tracking and working hard to stay within my points.  Jealousy is a really crappy feeling.  We want to indulge and participate but we are not in the same spot.  Mike is so supportive of my journey.  He will eat what I eat and make sure that I am sticking to plan.  He always has my back.  But when he gets to eat that extra bag of chips, I can lose it.  This is a bigger factor when we are first starting out.

When we first start our journey, we have so many cravings, because we are not satisfied, we are still hungry.  We see our partner, or best friend, or parents eating something that we just want to take a huge bite of to relieve that feeling.  They care about us and our well-being so they stick up for us, but we can get angry.  I know all too well that feeling.  Too many times has Mike been innocently eating something, and it stressed me out to the point of being irritable and angry.  Food is dangerous.  These are strong emotions and can cause us to cause friction with the ones we love.   We have to stay in control of these feelings. We can't let this consume us.  There is no reason to fight with somebody over something they can do and something we wish we could do.  They are not on the same journey as us.

Why are we on this journey?  Is it for this other person?  They may be so supportive of us but we are not doing this for anybody but ourselves. We have to remember why we started this in the first place. Why are we going to cause a fight over food.  It is super special to have someone have your back. I am so happy to have Mike in my life.  He has helped me with so much, he has kept me on my game and has supported every move I have made.  It is great to have that support.  But we can't let our hunger get the best of us.  We can't let our jealousy take over. We are on this path to better ourselves, so we can be the happiest version of us.  We owe it to ourselves, to not stress about that bag of chips that our special person is eating, and say why the F would I want that bag of chips? Will chips help me crush all my goals?  I don't think so! Kick that feeling to the curb, and be the strong person that I know you are!  You owe it to yourself to fight those feelings and kick ass.  It really isn't so hard once you get the hang of it.  Once you start pushing those feelings aside, it all becomes so much easier.  I don't find the urge to fight with Mike anymore over food.  I am just thankful he is by my side and supporting what I am doing.  That is all we really need.
This is Mike, my loving and supportive boyfriend. 

Have you ever had a situation like this?  How did you handle it?  What was the outcome and how did you move forward? Comment below and let's talk about it!


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