Dealing with Negativity

When I was heavier, I dealt with a lot of people calling me names.  Oh you're too fat to get a guy to like you. You are nowhere near as pretty as your friends.  I would always be the one left out if we went out and it is a really lonely feeling. All these guys would wanna dance with my friends and I always felt like the fat girl who would never find love.  There were times I just stayed at home because I did not want to be called names or have my feelings hurt.  I will never forget the time, I went out with friends, and a woman told me that I shouldn't be wearing the dress I was because I was too heavy.  Who does that, really?  But people do.

There are some negative people in the world. People will always try and bring you down to make themselves look better. I still to this day, get haters on my Instagram page telling me I still have work to do.  Sometimes I want to let it ruin my day.  Sometimes I just wanna take that bag of candy and eat it, because I still am not good enough. But why would should I let these stupid haters get the best of me.  We work too hard to let people run our stuff.  There is a 95% chance that they are just jealous of the hard work that we have put in. The last thing we should do is let these people in our head. I really like who I have become.  I lost 75 pounds and I am in a much healthier place then I used to be.  I look and feel better than I ever have, I have a loving boyfriend and family that loves me and supports my weight loss journey.

I used to have nobody that supported it.  All my friends would say, "Let's go eat out every night, and get Fro-Yo and drink a bunch of alcohol."  All these things kept putting my weight loss on hold. Sometimes we have to put things to the side just to better ourselves.  I limited myself and I really forced myself outside of my comfort zone and did this for me.  We can't let negativity ruin us.  We are on this weight loss journey so we can feel amazing about ourselves. Do not let anyone come in between that.  As T-Swift said, Haters gonna hate.  But we aren't gonna let them affect us. There will always be negative people, but what makes us better is when we take that negativity and use it to push harder and work harder.
The picture on the left is the night the woman told me I was too fat to wear this dress. 
Right is today.  I am a stronger person because of her. 

Have you ever had someone make a negative comment towards you?  Did you ever have friends who didn't support your weight loss?  Tell us about it! What did you do to move on and get stronger?


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