Weight Watcher Shout Outs

Now it's time for my favorite! Weight Watcher shout outs! I will be sharing women's stories who have really been working hard and living a WW lifestyle! You rock girl! This is Katie: She's epicly beautiful and has been working her ass off. 

My name is Katie & I'm 25 years old. I started Weight Watchers on 12/30/14 and since have lost almost 44 pounds. The pictures are almost 5 months apart exactly, 12/27/14 vs 05/30/15. The before picture is actually the picture that made me go to Weight Watchers. I have been overweight basically my whole life and almost everyone in my family is overweight. I used WW in high school and lost 30 pounds and since then I've tried it a couple more times. I quickly gave up and I gained all that I had lost plus more back. Towards the end of 2014 I just kept getting bigger and bigger, barely any of my clothes fit and I was having trouble even bending over to tie my shoes. I was eating any and everything I wanted, including fast food & huge portions. I never ever did anything physical. Enough was enough and I decided to do something about it. I made a commitment to lose 45 pounds by my birthday in July & had every intention to do it on my own. But then I saw my before picture, a picture my aunt took at our Christmas party, and knew I was in over my head. I knew I had to go back to what I knew worked so well before and I joined WW. I've been tracking and starting moving as much as I can, even going to the gym! I've been lucky to have the support of IG, my boyfriend and my family so far in my journey. I'm starting to gain my confidence back, getting active and actually cooking my own health meals! I'm determined to make lifestyle changes rather than just be on a diet.


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